occupationfreelance illustrator / ff14 player

theme base cr: suncarrds

waitlist: open

direct contact: @Yomigammy on discord

my name is yomi, you can call me yomi. im a viet american artist, and i've been in the creative field since i was 12. i started with graphic design, and then digital illustrations in 2018. I don't talk a lot because i work hard to overcome personality disorders and mental health. thank you for not judging me!i've been a player of ffxiv since aug 27, 2013, so its been a heckin minute. here are my OC's:


A lalafell from the Plainsfolk descent, Yoyohane was born in the outskirts of Ala Mhigo. He lived 13 years as an orphan child, and was later founded outside the quarters on the eve of crimson by none other than Bajsaljen Ulgasch, the de-facto leader of the Bozjan Resistance. Raised as if he were his own child, Bajsaljen taught Yoyohane the art of battle, assasination, and war. Not only did he raise him in combat, Bajsaljen also provided Yoyohane the All Archive for which he now wields in his left eye.

loyal - arrogant - selfish - tenacious - stubborn - vulgar - shy - flustered - brash - doesn't bathe

character name 
originala mhigo
  • ㅤheightㅤㅤheight.

  • ㅤweightㅤㅤweight.

  • ㅤeyesㅤㅤblue

  • ㅤhairㅤㅤblonde

  • ㅤraceㅤㅤplainsfolk

  • ㅤgaurdianㅤㅤrhalgr

  • ㅤnicknameㅤㅤyoyo

  • ㅤresidenceㅤㅤuldah

  • ㅤbuildㅤㅤslim

  • ㅤroleㅤㅤmachinist (dps)

  • ㅤalignmentㅤㅤchaotic neutral

Yoyohane possesses a rather crude and brash personality. Lazy, forgetful, and often times clumsy, he also lives his day to day life arrogantly and with ignorance. Yoyohane is a skilled Machinist with swift physical and technical abilities. Yoyohane worked as a lone mercenary at a young age, and later was employed into the Bozjan Resistance, by none other than his father figure and captain, Bajsaljen.

  • he hates bathing.

  • actual hair color is brown. he bleached his hair blonde.

  • doesn't do well with dating.

  • collects bugs and other critters to reserve as gifts and signs of affection.

  • his eye color represent the sky and the ocean, which symbolizes freedom.

  • he's a terrible chef, but excellent baker. (prefers cooking)

  • technically intelligent, however he's also street-stupid.

  • motifs: love, hawks, the ocean, fire, hope, willpower

  • he's a terrible liar.

  • he built his own automaton Queen and calls her "mother"

"i kinda wish i was a bird. i wonder what its like flyin' up there in the blue sky. it must be so free."


Pala is a succeeding prodigy and mage, born and raised in the Northern Empty. They had graduated at the top of their league at the Studium, and succeeded in mastering various kinds of magic. though as extravagant and perfect on the surface, something lurks deep in the crevices of their heart. a glooming darkness, born from pure hatred and apathy.

manipulative - secretive - prodigious - infatuated - destructive - vindictive - intelligent - self loathing - longing

character name 
  • ㅤeyesㅤㅤcranberry

  • ㅤhairㅤㅤ(black) dark purple

  • ㅤraceㅤㅤdunesfolk

  • ㅤgaurdianㅤㅤrhalgr

  • ㅤnicknameㅤㅤpal

  • ㅤresidenceㅤㅤishgard

  • ㅤbuildㅤㅤnormal

  • ㅤroleㅤㅤscholar

  • ㅤalignmentㅤㅤchaotic neutral

  • ㅤoccupationㅤㅤyoyohane's partner in mercenary.


  • pala will do anything to obtain what they want, even if it means killing.

  • they hate overly-joyous people.

  • pala doesn't show their pessimissm openly, and keeps up a cheerful facade around others.

  • pala is good at analyzing people, and uses it to manipulate them.

  • they will go to great lengths to protect yoyohane, and will kill anyone if they must.

  • not much is known about pala's past, but its a development over time.

  • there is a knife buckled to their codex, which is used for "drastic" measures in combat. (like stabbing out someone's eyes)

"an eye for an eye makes the world go blind does it? then blind we shall be"